Transing of Children, Teens and Young Adults is Inherently Wrong

I am furious about the cheer-leading being currently done by Transgender Advocates regarding children, teens and young adults. I have a huge problem with the expressed lack of concern over definite and possible negative effect of off-label drugs which are being prescribed for children, teens and young adults who are assessed to be uncomfortable with their gender role and/or gender nonconforming. These off label drugs are being prescribed NOT FOR THE PURPOSE THE DRUGS WERE INTENDED OR APPROVED FOR. I am also upset because surgeries such a mastectomies, hysterectomies, phalloplasties, vaginoplasities all have dangerous possible effects. And these surgeries are now being carried out on healthy young bodies.

With the “transing” of children, teens and young adults, using these medications and, sometimes undertaking these dangerous surgeries, the medical and pharmaceutical community is definitely creating a cohort of experimental medical patients. My life experience and medical/nursing education and experience scream at me that this increasing trend in care and “treatment” for children, teen and young adult “feelings”, is incredibly WRONG!!! Children, teens and young adults, because of their scientifically-known incomplete brain development are vulnerable to making decisions or having decisions made for them which will have unknown, un-predicted consequences. They have limited ability to think and understand long term consequences.

I have concerns, but I also do realize that once human brains become fully developed and people become fully functioning independent adults (usually by about mid-20s, but sometimes not until 30s or even older), it is up to them to make decisions about their bodies and lives. That being said, these adult people also need to be able to live with any consequences which result from the decisions they make. As adults, we all have this responsibility.

I’ve added some links below to these off label medications, which are currently being prescribed to children, teens and young adults. I know that it’s a lot of reading. Please read these articles thoroughly and critically and please understand that if these medications are prescribed to children, teens and young adults, because of their “feelings”, this usage of these medications has NO POSITIVE LONG TERM STUDIES TO BACK UP THEIR SAFETY. And think hard about this fact.

Here is FDA information about Lupron, as it is indicated for children:

Click to access 020263s035lbl.pdf

Here is FDA information about Lupron, as it is indicated for adult male bodies:

Click to access 019010s037lbl.pdf

**Note that Lupron is not approved by the FDA for use in children who are uncomfortable in their gender roles or are gender unconforming.

Here is the FDA approved information for Testosterone:

And a recent warning from the FDA about Testosterone:

**Note that the FDA does not approve of Testosterone for use in female bodies.

Here is FDA information about Estradiol (Estrogen oral):

Click to access 081295s014,084499s042,084500s044lbl.pdf

**Note that the FDA only approves Estradiol for use in men (male bodies) as treatment of advanced androgen-dependent carcinoma (cancer) of the prostate and only for palliation purposes ie end of life care.

Announcing a new online survey for detransitioned women : I think this is important to share.

Cari is a 22-year-old detransitioned woman who was interviewed recently on 4thWaveNow about her experiences as a former teen client of Transactive Gender Center in Portland, OR. Cari wrote to us today to announce an online survey she has created for women who are reclaiming themselves as female. I’ll let her introduce her work in […]

via Announcing a new online survey for detransitioned women — 4thWaveNow

We need to call breast-binding what it really is: Female Reproductive Mutilation. A Beautiful Feminist’s Viewpoint Worth Reading.

Yesterday I shared a post on the rise of breast binding among school-age females in the UK. I’m not supposed to call them young women. They’re non-binary individuals or trans men and that, we are supposed to think, is what makes the binding okay. Whatever the risks – “compressed or broken ribs, punctured or collapsed […]

via We need to call breast-binding what it really is — glosswatch

The adolescent trans trend: 10 influences


The below post is written by Overwhelmed,  4thWaveNow contributor and the mother of a teen daughter who insisted she was transgender, but who subsequently changed her mind. Other parents in the same situation have shared their experiences on 4thWaveNow, and a new research study (currently recruiting) is the first to systematically examine the phenomenon of “trans trending” amongst tweens and teens.

Trans activists and gender specialists constantly assure us that puberty blockers are harmless and “fully reversible.” They claim these drugs “buy time” for a young person to decide if they really are trans. But given that social transition + puberty blockers are followed in 100% of reported cases by cross-sex hormones (see here and here),  the “buying time” assertion deserves a lot more scrutiny. If there weren’t other forces at work (like social contagion and the conditioning effect of being validated in the idea that you…

View original post 2,980 more words

The Pain of Being Real: Worth Reading, I Think.

I read an essay on The Establishment by a non-binary person explaining why they quit testosterone. There’s so much in it about race, the ways race and gender build on each other, and then feeling condescended to and feeling unseen, so there were experiences in it I could relate to and experiences I couldn’t. So much deep […]

via The Pain of Being Real — Words by Maria Catt

Rapid-onset gender dysphoria: New study recruiting parents

Please share this link! And please complete the survey if you have a child who has undergone rapid onset gender dysphoria. Finally there’s a professional gathering information about this.

Jenn Burleton, director of youth transition org, dismisses ex-client’s complaints as “TERF infestation” — 4thWaveNow

This is an update to Friday’s post. Please read it first for background. Cari, a detransitioning 22-year-old ex-client of TransActive Gender Center, has written on her Tumblr blog about her dissatisfaction with the services provided by that organization when she was a gender-dysphoric teenager. Jenn Burleton, director and founder of TransActive, chose to respond indirectly […]

via Jenn Burleton, director of youth transition org, dismisses ex-client’s complaints as “TERF infestation” — 4thWaveNow